Recruitment Solutions

Read about recruitment solutions from the ThriveMap blog, the pre-hire assessment provider for high volume hiring.

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What is a Realistic Job Assessment and how does it work?

Did you know that even the slightest disconnect between a candidate’s expectations and the reality of a job can lead to failed hires? Research shows that 48% of people have quit a job because the reality of it was different from how they imagined it would be in the recruitment process and a further 31% […]

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6 Critical Steps for Job Analysis: Find the Right Candidates

Jobs are constantly evolving. Roles and responsibilities change in reaction to new technologies, externalities, and cultural norms. And as the people in our organisations change, so do the jobs themselves.  It’s easy to lose track of these changes, making it difficult to hire the right candidates. New tasks and responsibilities require new knowledge, behaviours and […]

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Numerical Reasoning Test: How it can help when hiring

Nowadays, many jobs positions require varying levels of data analysis. A successful company will almost certainly be able to effectively interpret and process data. Employees who can draw logical conclusions from raw data are therefore essential to a thriving organisation. Assessing whether candidates possess these skills can be a challenge, but numerical reasoning assessments can […]

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Verbal Reasoning Testing Tools: 3 to try and 2 to avoid

Verbal reasoning is a meta-skill required in many different roles. Assessing it can be difficult; businesses have traditionally relied on interviews, resumes and references as a proxy for candidate quality but these evaluation techniques rarely assess an applicant’s ability to reason verbally. In this post, we’ll introduce you to the verbal reasoning test and give […]

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Realistic Job Preview: 7 Great Examples to Inspire You

As humans, we naturally set expectations for the new experiences we take on in life. However, expectations don’t always align with reality. Often things aren’t as they seem from the outside. After reading a job description, a candidate may develop dangerously unrealistic expectations for their daily responsibilities, employee benefits, and work culture. But there are […]

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Situational Judgement Test: How to Create Your Own

A job candidate’s resume and first impression at an interview can only tell you so much about who they are. While resumes can be beneficial to collect preliminary information, the self-selected history of prior skills and job experiences on paper cannot predict how successful they will perform at a job in your company. This discrepancy […]

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Multitasking Test: How to Test Multitasking skills

There are many different factors that can affect an individual’s ability to multitask effectively. Multitasking tests can be a great way to ensure candidates can handle daily life in certain roles. Completing more than one task at a time, especially more than one complex task is a “meta-skill” that companies often look for in new […]

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The Best Recruiting Software for Remote Hiring

Picture this. You’re getting overwhelmed with open vacancies for jobs that need filling fast. You log into your ATS, but instead of the usual stack of CVs, each candidate is ranked from top to bottom in order of their job suitability. As you start to scan down the candidate shortlist you realise that your top […]

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Online typing assessments: The 5 best to use for hiring

You’re hiring for a role that requires excellent typing skills. It could be for data entry, note-taking, clerical work, translations, or transcriptions. Either way, testing someone’s ability to type quickly and accurately is best done via an online typing assessment. We’ve compiled five of the best online typing assessments so you can find the lightning-fast […]

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