New Integration Announcement: Greenhouse

4 minute read

Posted by Chris Platts on 19 February 2021

Our vision at ThriveMap is to help companies realise the potential of real-world pre-hire assessments. Unlike other assessment providers, ThriveMap’s assessments take candidates through a digital day-in-the-life experience of a job to ensure a fit on both sides. 

We’re particularly excited to announce our recent integration with Greenhouse, a leading ATS provider. 

Greenhouse is a leading enterprise ATS

Thousands of companies use Greenhouse’s intelligent ATS to automate all aspects of hiring.

Greenhouse recruiting suite offers everything you need from an applicant tracking system and opens opportunities for designing a structured hiring process, delivering the best candidate experience, and inclusive hiring.

While Greenhouse is focused on optimising the application process, ThriveMap gives companies everything they need to assess which candidates to prioritise in the hiring process.

Why is this important?

  • Using ThriveMap assessments at the start of the recruitment funnel means that candidates are selected on merit, not background or experience.
  • For many roles candidate volumes are high so sifting through applications takes time.
  • ThriveMap assessments are more predictive of successful hires than other assessment tools meaning better hiring outcomes for you

How ThriveMap’s integration works

The Greenhouse integration for ThriveMap provides the ability to integrate your recruitment system so that it automatically sends invitations for candidates to complete assessments and automatically receives results and status updates back as they happen. 

For the full explainer of how ThriveMap integrates with Greenhouse then you can watch this video.

Here are a few quick ways that ThriveMap and Greenhouse users can get value out of our new integration:

1. Add an assessment stage into your hiring process

Once the Greenhouse/ThriveMap integration is enabled for your organisation, you will be able to add the ThriveMap assessment as an Interview stage. 

To do this for an existing job, navigate to a job (All Jobs>Job Name) and click Job Setup from the Job navigation bar.

greenhouse thrivemap integration

From the Job Setup page, navigate to Interview Plan on the left-hand panel. Scroll down the page and click + Add a Stage.

From the Add Stage dialog box, select the ThriveMap stage. When finished, click Add to apply the stage to the job’s interview plan.

greenhouse thrivemap integration

2. Automatically send assessments

When candidates are moved into the ThriveMap interview stage, Greenhouse will display a Send Test link. When you send a test from Greenhouse, the interview instructions are actually sent by ThriveMap.

greenhouse thrivemap integration

The status of the assessment will be viewable in Greenhouse:

greenhouse thrivemap integration

3. Review assessment results and interview reports in Greenhouse

Once the candidate has submitted their test, the Interview Kit will contain a link to view the submitted test on ThriveMap. 

greenhouse thrivemap integration

After you click on the Interview Kit on the candidate’s profile, you’ll be taken to a page where the URL is available to view the test results on ThriveMap.  

greenhouse thrivemap integration

When will the integration be live? (Call for beta testers)

The integration is now finished and it is now up and running. Before we make the integration publicly available, however, we need to test it with a small number of users. This is to ensure that everything is working as expected with real-world data. 

There have been no issues with the integration for our early testers and as a result, we’re now confident to open up the testing to any user who wants to use the beta version. We’ll keep you updated on when the integration is out of beta and readily available to all users.

In the meantime, you can reach out to our support team if you’re interested in being a beta tester and getting access to the integration now.


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About ThriveMap

ThriveMap creates customised assessments for high volume roles, which take candidates through an online “day in the life” experience of work in your company. Our assessments have been proven to reduce staff turnover, reduce time to hire, and improve quality of hire.

Not sure what type of assessment is right for your business? Read our guide.

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