How to achieve hiring criteria alignment in the recruitment process

2 minute read

Posted by Emily Hill on 13 December 2023

Ensuring alignment among stakeholders on hiring criteria is paramount for an efficient, equitable, and successful recruitment process. Misalignment can lead to hiring the wrong candidates or erroneously rejecting strong candidates, resulting in prolonged hiring timelines and unnecessary friction.

Here, Chris Platts, CEO at ThriveMap, talks through a streamlined approach to achieve alignment among different stakeholders:

1. Conduct a job analysis

A job analysis involves studying the role to determine what attributes (skills, knowledge, behaviors) are actually required for success. This ensures your criteria are based on realistic job requirements rather than assumptions. This can be done through shadowing, surveys, and or employee interviews. You can use a simple tool like Signal to guide your job analysis process.

2. Map out your stakeholders

Brainstorm with all the decision makers in the hiring process from hiring managers to interviewers to trainers. Analyse each stakeholder’s level of influence and interest in the hiring outcomes. Identify detractors and their potential concerns.

3. Hold a workshop

Bring your mapped stakeholders into an alignment workshop. At ThriveMap we call these “Ideal Candidate Profile” workshops. Present the findings from your job analysis as the basis for the discussion but let all stakeholders contribute their opinions on any attributes that may have been overlooked. First, get agreement on the key attributes, next for each attribute, agree clear definitions and behavioral indicators. Capture examples of positive and negative demonstration of the attributes, preferably in observable job-based scenarios.

4. Confirm assessment approach

Decide how you will assess each criteria – what interview questions, assessment center exercises, tests etc. The assessment methods need to allow candidates to demonstrate the agreed criteria. Share examples and scenarios that map to the criteria to calibrate your stakeholders on consistent rating.

5. Continuously improve

Analyse post-hire performance data about hiring criteria to determine what attributes correlate with success. Refine your criteria and alignment approach based on this analysis to achieve better outcomes over time.

Ongoing stakeholder communication, education and data-driven refinement are key to maintaining alignment on your hiring criteria as jobs evolve.

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ThriveMap creates customised assessments for high volume roles, which take candidates through an online “day in the life” experience of work in your company. Our assessments have been proven to reduce staff turnover, reduce time to hire, and improve quality of hire.

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