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Diversity Recruiting: What it is and how to improve it

When was the last time your company looked at how it recruits diverse talent? In this article, we explore how to reposition the concept of diversity recruiting so that it gets greater respect from hiring managers and business leaders. Here’s what we’ll be covering off: What is diversity recruiting? A diverse recruiting strategy is when […]

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Generational diversity: 4 myths about ageism at work

Diversity is HR’s latest pet project. It’s an exciting new social purpose with added business benefits. ‘Diversity Champions’ are this decade’s CSR Officers. This is no bad thing, especially in the face of overwhelming evidence that people are routinely disadvantaged because of the colour of their skin, their socio-economic background, sexuality or their gender. Yet whilst you can’t move for articles on sexism and racism at work, ageism gets very little coverage. It gets no headlines.

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Employee Referrals, The Ugly Truth

Employee referrals are often lauded as the most effective and successful way to hire. On the surface the stats on look pretty compelling; referred employees stay longer, produce more profit, and get up to speed faster. These stats are so compelling that the general consensus is that referrals are a cheaper way to hire, a faster way to hire, generally produce better results and lowers the turnover rate at your company.

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